For the first time in probably 15 years I am truly pumped that today is Halloween. There was a time during my early childhood I remember eating Halloween candy without an ounce of guilt. Somewhere along the way, however, those thoughts were dramatically changed. Halloween and it's never ending amounts of candy quickly began to haunt me. I was the Halloween Grinch.
However, last night while I was making my meal plan for today, I was able to channel my inner child and plan all the candy I wanted. I had a Reese's peanut butter cup with my breakfast, Twizzlers with my lunch, a mini Milky Way, Snickers, and Mike n' Ike's for snack, and coconut M&Ms (my new fave) after dinner. I'm not sure if I'm on a sugar high or what, but I can't stop smiling today. There is something so freeing about being able to eat whatever I want (as long as I stay within my calorie range) and knowing it won't cause weight gain.
I actually did the math and if I really wanted to, I could eat 31.25 Reese's cups today (and nothing else) and not gain an ounce. This is the best day ever.
This past Sunday while visiting my Grandma Cronkright, she was super excited to show us her Halloween costume for this year.
She brought out this old bonnet that was her great great grandma's. We still haven't been able to figure out how or why she had it. It had to have been at least 100 years old. She wore her bonnet and long house coat; She was an Old Maid for Halloween. I hope I can have that kind of sense of humor when I'm 92 years old.
Then, because my dad is the biggest dork in the world, he decided to put the costume on. My brother and his lovely girlfriend where on their way over and my dad greeted them at the door like this....
I love my family. Happy Halloween! :)